3 Day Fat Bike Camping Trip, We here at Ernie’s Cycle Shop are coordinating a Fat Bike Camping Trip! I’m changing up the Winter camping trip this year. It is still President’s Day Weekend February 15, 16, 17. First day is 22 miles from Westbrook ( on snowmobile trails )to Steep Falls. Set up camp at a campground. We will leave camp set up. 2nd day is basically a 30 mile loop. Breakfast at the whistle Stop, lunch at a dinner at the 1/2 way mark, and we will bring stuff back to camp for supper or maybe eat at Eddie’s. We will hit T.J.’s on the way out to Steep Falls and on the way back. All we will need to have with us is our camping Gear, hydration and snacks. Camping is $25.00 per person witch includes 2 nights, a heated bathroom and wood for the fire.we are going to cap the event at 8 people.
Date/Time: February 15th 2020 - February 17th 2020 8:00am - 3:00pm